The “I Win!” button for video editing

Oh, that so tedious chore of editing your movie. Wouldn’t it be great it the job could be done by a bot? Magisto to the rescue. It claims to be able to “automatically turns plain videos into beautifully edited and produced movies”. Yep, it has an “I Win!” button. Now if only there was another bot to nurse the uploading of ten hours of raw HD footage to the Magisto servers…

Auto light-matching for 3D and 2D picture elements

Interesting auto-compositing research going on with Kevin Karsh

“Current image editing software only allows 2D manipulations with no regard to the high level spatial information that is present in a given scene, and 3D modeling tools are sometimes complex and tedious for a novice user. Our goal is to extract 3D scene information from single images to allow for seamless object insertion, removal, and relocation [for] a new class of physically-aware image editors.”

Basically, it seems… you tell the software where the light is coming from in the picture, and where the walls are, and then it adjusts the lighting on the 3D model to match the scene. I guess this is the sort of thing we may see popping up in the next edition of the 3D-capable Photoshop Extended.